How To Increase Collagen Production In Skin
Looking for more ways to help boost collagen in your skin? Well, we’ve got four ways to help do just that!
Here at Absolute Collagen, we like to consider ourselves your friendly skin care gurus, so today we’re back with more top tips. And this time we’re looking at how to build collagen in skin!
After all, collagen plays an essential role in skin elasticity, the brightness of our complexion, and skin hydration too. So, if you’re looking for ways to boost the collagen in your skin, we can certainly see why!
Lucky for you, through some simple diet changes and a collagen boosting skin care routine, increasing the collagen in skin is absolutely possible. Keep reading, below, to discover how.
1. Follow the right diet
The right diet can have an impact throughout your body, from hair all the way to your ability to concentrate. But what diet should you be following to increase the collagen in your skin?
Well, one of the best collagen-boosting foods is fish, and this is down to the omega-3 fatty acids it contains. These fatty acids not only help boost collagen in skin, but they also help to improve the skin barrier function, which protects your skin from harm.
If fish isn’t for you, then the amino acids in chicken are great for building collagen in skin as well. Amino acids are one of the building blocks of collagen, so increasing the level of these in your diet can also help increase collagen in your skin as a result.
But if you’re looking for vegan and vegetarian foods to stimulate collagen production in skin? Then we’ve got good news - dark leafy greens like spinach or kale, and legumes such as chickpeas and lentils will do just that!
Leafy greens contain high chlorophyll levels which helps to increase precursors, an important step in forming collagen. Legumes are also an animal-friendly alternative for those all-important collagen building amino acids.
2. Create a skin care routine
So, eating the right foods helps boost collagen within, and the right skin care routine can increase collagen in skin from the outside. But which serums and creams should you use?
Well, first up, let’s look at peptides. Collagen is made up of three different polypeptides, so by introducing more peptides to your skin care routine, you can help increase the collagen in your skin. What’s more, peptides are great for targeting and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Additionally, antioxidants help prevent collagen from breaking down. A common antioxidant in skincare products is niacinamide, and this can help boost the collagen in your skin by protecting the levels you already have.
However, some studies have found hyaluronic acid to be helpful for stimulating collagen production in skin as well. More specifically, these studies have shown hyaluronic acid can be particularly beneficial for the regenerative benefits of collagen, helping heal spots and wounds quicker.
3. Look after your skin
All of these tips for boosting collagen in skin are great, but they are only beneficial if you take care of your skin as well.
For example, UV rays from the sun not only dry out your skin, but they can also deform collagen and reduce skin elasticity. So, to increase elasticity in skin and protect your collagen levels, make sure you are using an SPF of at least 30 every day - even in winter. Top up on SPF throughout the day for sustained protection.
Stress is harmful for the mind and body – as most know - but stress is just as bad for skin too. This is because the hormones released with stress can break down the collagen in your skin. It’s important to destress through music, talking to friends, or going for a walk. Not only is this good for your mental health but it is also beneficial for boosting collagen in your skin!
4. Incorporate vitamins to your diet
And lastly, there are an abundance of vitamins that can help boost the collagen in your skin as well!
Vitamin C is one of the most essential vitamins for stimulating collagen production in skin, as it helps collagen biosynthesis - the process needed for metabolising. However, our bodies can’t produce this vitamin on its own, so taking supplements and following a vitamin C enriched diet is the best way to go about this.
While ginseng is an herbal supplement, you can take it in a vitamin form to boost the collagen in your skin. Wondering how? Well, some studies have shown that ginseng can actually protect your skin from those harmful UV rays we spoke about earlier. In particular, ginseng protects your skin from the UVB rays that cause sunburn and consequent premature wrinkles.
And vitamin E is another supplement known to help build collagen in skin. By helping your blood vessels dilate, vitamin E encourages a better blood flow around your body. And as more blood flows to your skin this can, in turn, help collagen production increase too.
So, there you have it – our top four ways to build collagen in your skin. From reducing pesky eye bags to helping dry skin, if you want to know more about all the lovely ways collagen benefits your skin, head over to our blog.
You can also start your own Absolute Collagen journey today by browsing our award-winning liquid collagen supplements!